Konten [Tampil]
By :
M u h u d a
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Pattern  01
Subject   +  to be  +  Non Verb
Exp :    I am  happy.
 You are  my partner.

Say it in English !

1. Saya mahasiswa.                           8. Minuman itu manis.
                : I am a student.                              : The drink is sweet.
2. Kamu kuat.                                    9. Tutik perawat.
                : You are strong.                              : Tutik a nurse.
3. Dia (lk) kawanku.                         10. Hari ini Senin.
                : He is (lk) my friend                       : Today is Monday.
4. Dia (pr) seorang guru.                  11. Mobil itu mahal. 
                : She is (pr) a teacher.                    : The car is expensive.
5. Buku itu baru.                               12. Tablet itu pahit.
                : The book is new.                           : Tablet is bitter.
6. Kami sibuk.                                   13. Warnanya hitam.
                : We are busy.                                  : The color is black.
7. Mereka disini.                              14. Rumahku jauh.
                : They are here.                               : My house is far away.

Sentences for practice :

1. Makanan itu lezat.                                     12. Toni namaku.
                : The food is delicious.                                : Toni  is my name.
2. Minuman itu dingin.                                   13. Orang itu sendirian.
                : The Drink is cold.                                     : The man is alone.
3. Sekolahku dekat.                                       14. Ruangan itu kosong.
                : My school  is near.                                    : The room is empty.
4. Lalu lintas sibuk /padat.                             15. Film itu lucu.
                : The Traffic is busy                                    : The movie is funny.       
5. Pohon itu tinggi.                                         16. Rambutnya putih.
                : The tree is high                                         : His hair is white.
6. Orang (lk) itu polisi.                                   17. Udaranya sejuk.
                : The man  (lk) is  policeman                      : The air is cool.
7. Wanita itu cantik.                                       18. Jalan itu sempit.
                : The Woman is beautiful                            : The street is narrow.
8. Anak (lk) itu cerdas.                                  19. Pertanyaan itu sulit.
                : The boy (lk) is smart                                   : The question is difficult.
9. Air itu panas.                                              20. Cerita itu menarik.
                : The water is hot                                         : The story is interesting.
10. Jalan itu lebar.                                          21. Waktunya habis.
                :The street is wide                                           : Time is up.
11. Ponsel itu rusak.                                       23. Saya lelah.
                : The cell phone is broken                             : I'm tired.

a.  To be  + Subject + Non verb
            Exp :    1. Are          you      a student ?
                        2. Is              he        busy    today ?

Say it in the guided pattern !

1. Apakah ayahmu seorang polisi ?
                : Is your father  a policeman ?
2. Apakah dia  seorang ibu rumahtangga ?
                : Is she a housewife ?
3. Apakah pena ini milikmu ?
                : Is this pen yours ?
4. Apakah mesin itu otomatis ?
                : Is it an automatic machine ?
5. Apakah wanita itu masih lajang ?
                : Is the woman still single ?
6. Apakah jalan itu sangat ramai (sibuk) ?
                : Is it a street very crowded ?
7. Apakah anda sehat hari ini ?
                : Are you fine today ?

Sentences for Practice :

1. Apakah hari ini hari libur ?                                 2. Apakah pertanyaan-pertanyaannya mudah ?
                : Is today a holiday ?                                                  : Are the questions easy ?
3. Apakah semua pintu terbuka ?                           4. Apakah jawabannya benar ?
                : Are all the doors open                                             : Is the answer correct?
5. Apakah sungai itu dalam ?                                   6. Apakah ibunya (lk) sakit ?
                : Is the river a side?                                                   : Is his mother (lk) sick?
7. Apakah orang muda itu penerbang ?                   8. Apakah pamanmu seorang tentara ?
                : Are young people a pilot                                         : Is your uncle a soldier?
9. Apakah buah itu masam ?                                    10.  Apakah hobimu berenang ?
                : Is it sour fruit?                                                        : Is your hobbies swimming?
11. Apakah kotak-kotak itu ringan ?                       12. Apakah lelaki itu seorang dokter ?
                : Is it light boxes?                                                      : Is the man a doctor

                b. Wh ….   +    to be       +  non-verb
   Exp:               What                   Is                           it ?
                         Who                    are                        you  ?
            Wh….. (who, what,  where, when, which, how, etc.)

Say it in corret English !

1. Siapa dia (pr) ?                                                        2. Mengapa  mereka takut ?
                : Who is she(pr) ?                                                   : Why are they afraid ?
3. Bagaimana (keadaan) ayahmu ?                           4. Apa hobimu  ?
                : How is your father ?                                            : What is your hobby ?
5. Dimana mereka sekarang ?                                  6. Yang mana milikmu ?
                : Where are they now ?                                          : Which one is yours ?
7. Kapan dia (pr) sendirian di rumah ?                      8. Jam berapa sekarang ?
                : When is she (pr) alone at home ?                        : What time is it ?
9. Siapa (apa) namanya (lk)                                       10. Bagaimana (keadaan) anda hari ini ?
                : Who is her name(lk) ?                                         : How is your today ?

1.       Dimana kau sekarang ?                                             2. Buku siapa ini ?
: Where are you now ?                                                          : Whose book  is this ?
3.       Yang mana ibumu ?                                                     4. Apa bisnis anda sekarang ?
: Which one is your mother ?                                               : What is you r business now ?
5.       Apa pilihanmu ?                                                           6.  Apa alamatnya (pr) ?
: What is your choice ?                                                          : What is the address(pr) ? 
7.       Mengapa dia (lk) terlambat ?                                     8. Yang mana yang baru ?
: Why is he(lk) late                                                                 : Which one is new ?
9.       Apa kasusnya ?                                                           10.  Apa warna favoritmu ?
: What is the case ?                                                                 : What is your favorite color ?
11.    Bagaimana (keadaan) keluargamu ?                         12.  Jawaban mana yang benar ?
: How are your family ?                                                          : Which is answer correct ?
13.    Pertanyaan siapa ini ?                                                14.  Berapa panjang kolam itu ?
: Who is this question ?                                                          : How long is the pool ?

Past tense (Simple Past)
            a.  Statement (kalimat berita)
                 S   +  To be (was, were) +  O/C
 Exp:                            I                was                       late this morning.
                        They        were                      here yesterday.
 Say it in correct English !     
1.       Dia (pr) sakit minggu lalu.                            5. Saya di rumah tadi malam.
: She (pr) was sick last week.                                            : I was at home last night.
2.       Mereka di Bali bulan lalu.                            6. Kamu absen (tidak masuk) pagi tadi.
: They were in Bali last month.                                       : You was miss this morning.
3.       Kami  sangat sibuk hari Minggu lalu.          7. Tutik bersamaku kemarin.
: We were very busy last Sunday.                                    : Tutik were with me yesterday.
4.       Lalu lintas  sibuk sekali tadi.                        8. Kami di Jakarta tahun lalu.
: Traffic was very busy.                                                         : We were in Jakarta last year
1.       Saya sibuk sekali minggu lalu.                        8. Mereka bersama kami bulan lalu.
: I was very busy last week.                                              : They were with us last month.
2.       Kamu terlambat tadi malam.                           9. Kami di rumah saja kemarin.
: You're late last night.                                                       : We were at home yesterday
3.       Kemarin hari Rabu.                                         10. Dia (lk) di Amerika dua tahun yang lalu.
: Yesterday was Wednesday.                                             : He was in the United States two years ago.
4.       Kami masih sibuk tadi pagi.                            11. Kolam itu kosong kemarin.
: We are still busy this morning.                                    : The pool was empty yesterday.
5.       Ruang ini gelap tadi malam.                            12. Dia disini tadi pagi.
: This room was dark last night.                                      : He was here this morning
6.       Dia (lk) di rumahku tadi pagi.                         13. Desa itu hancur lima tahun lalu.
: He was (lk) in my house this morning.                      : The village was destroyed five years ago
7.       Pesta pernikahan itu sukses (berhasil).
: The wedding party was a success (successful).